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3 signs you’re going overboard with cloud featuresI’ve been working with new trendy tech for years, and one of the things that’s been driving me crazy is not the speed at which things move but the fact that my clients want to keep up at any cost.There are several new features (aka cloud services) that are announced or released from public cloud providers monthly, not just at their user conferences: new database services, new AI services, new blockchain services, new serverless services, new container services. [...]InfoWorld News09 Apr 2019 10:00:00 GMT

The cloud’s weakest security links aren’t where you're lookingYou pride yourself on your cloud computing security strategy and tool stack. Indeed, your system made up of many security solutions is both proactive, and self-updating. So, you’ll never have to worry about new security attacks that you’re not prepped to defend—well, almost.Most IT shops do a good job looking for the latest DNS and ransomware attacks, but they’re not paying as much attention to the cloud security fundamentals such as physical security, federated data access governance, and network visibility. [...]InfoWorld News05 Feb 2019 11:00:00 GMT

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